Monday, March 23, 2020

A Modern Twist to Historical Recipes for Apple Pie

Original Recipes

From A Proper New Booke of Cookery by William How from 1575

To make pies of greene Apples. Take your Apples and pare them cleane, and core them as ye wil a quince then make your coffin after this man-ner, take a litle fayre water, and halfe a fishe of butter, and a litle Saffron, and set all this upon a chafindyshe, tyll it bee hote, than temper your flower with this sayd licour, and the white of two egges, & also make your coffin and season your Apples with Cinamon, Ginger and Sugar inough. Then put them into your coffin, and bake them.

A Good Huswifes Handemaide by Thomas Dawson? from 1594

How to make a tart of Apples.
<"122">PAre your apples and cut away the core, & cut the remnant in smal peeces, & seeth it in rosewater or wine til they be faire, & ye must stirre it al the while it seeths, then draw it through a strainer, and season it with sugar sinamon & ginger, & spread it in your paste: & if you wil, ye may serue it in a dish without past & cut a date or two & lay it on, for a change yee may collour it with Saunders if you wil.  

Modern Twist to the Above Recipes to Make Apple Crisp


4-5 peeled, cored, and sliced apples
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
pinch saffron (optional)

Peel, core, and sliced apples. Place apples in the bottom of an 8 inch baking dish. Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Mix together the dry ingredients with the softened butter and place mixture on top of the apples. Bake for 40 minutes, or until the topping is golden.

To watch video instructions on how to bake this, please visit here.

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