Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Eyngemachten # 18 - Preserved Candied Peaches


In Marx Rumpolt's 1581 cookbook called Ein New Kochbuch, there is a recipe for Eingemachten 18.  The word "eingemachten" is German and it refers to preserved fruits.  So, preserved fruit recipe Eyngemachten #18 is for preserving peach bites.

For my experiment today, I do not have fresh peaches. So, instead I will be using a store bought container of peaches. Also, I would recommend using a flat sieve for this recipe. I do not have a flat sieve. So I am using the sieve that I do have, to allow the juices to fall through.

Source Recipe


Ein New Kochbuch, by Marx Rumpolt (1581)

"The first edition of this first great and famous German cookbook appeared in 1581 and is the first large-format and richly illustrated German cookbook. Rumpolt had been the head cook to Daniel Brendel of Homburg, Archbishop- Elector of Mainz and to Anne of Denmark, Electress of Saxony." ("Kochbuch")




Peel and slice up fresh peaches. Sprinkle sugar on the sides of the peach slices. Lay slices in a sieve in the sun. If it's outside, cover the sieve with a thin fabric.

Do this recipe in the morning, as it will take most of the day for the peaches to dry out.

After the peach slices have dried, serve and enjoy!

For video instructions, please click here.


"Kochbuch." AbeBooks Inc. https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=&tn=kochbuch&sortby=1&cm_sp=plpafe-_-coll-_-link. 2020.

Palmer, Sharon. "Ein New Kochbuch 1581." https://www.academia.edu/6272538/Ein_New_Kochbuch. 2014.

Rumpolt, Marx. Ein New Kochbuch. 1581. http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?pointer=483&dir=drucke%2F2-3-oec-2f. Page 464.


  1. I reckon you could just put them out into the sun, and then leave them out there for days, rather than having to try and get them fully dry in one day. I would love to do this recipe, as I live in an area which is great for growing peaches. Sigh. It will have to wait for summer though (it is winter here in Australia).
