Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Zugemüß 161. Pfersig Muß - Peach Sauce: 16th century jam?


In Marx Rumpolt's 1581 cookbook called Ein New Kochbuch, there is a recipe for Zugemüß 161.  Pfersig Muß. In English, this means peach sauce (or pottage). It appears to be a 16th century recipe for jam (preserves).

For my experiment today, I do not have fresh peaches. So, instead I will be using a store bought container of peaches. 


Source Recipe


Zugemüß 161.  Pfersig Muß.  Nim~ Pfersig/ vnnd thu die Kern herauß/ thu die Pfersig in einen Mörsel/ vnd stoß sie/ streich sie fein dick durch/ machs süß/ vnd setz auff das Feuwer/ rürs vmb/ biß daß auffseudt/ ist es zu dick/ so geuß Wein oder ein wenig Wasser darzu/ vnnd wenn du es anrichtest/ so bestraw es mit Zucker/ so wirt es gut vnd wolgeschmack.

161.  Peach sauce or pottage.  Take peaches/ and take the pits out/ put the peaches in a mortar/ and crush them/ strain them nicely thick/ make sweet/ and set on the fire/ stir well/ until it boils/ if it is too thick/ then pour wine or a little water in it/ and when you will dress it/ then sprinkle it with sugar/ so it becomes good and well tasting. (Palmer)





Peel the peaches, remove the pits, and dice into small cubes. Press peaches with mortar and pestle (or something with similar effect). Drain. Combine with 1/4 cup sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Then, simmer for 2-5 minutes. If it becomes too thick, add a little water (or wine). Remove from heat. Sprinkle with 1 Tbsp sugar. Stir. Let cool and serve. Enjoy!


For video instructions, please click here.





Palmer, Sharon. "Ein New Kochbuch 1581." https://www.academia.edu/6272538/Ein_New_Kochbuch. 2014.

Rumpolt, Marx. Ein New Kochbuch. 1581. http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?pointer=483&dir=drucke%2F2-3-oec-2f. Page 404.


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